Error (1625): Answer
Aborting installation. Error (1625). This installation is forbidden by system policy. Contact your system administrator.
Question / Problem: Trying to instal Webroot Spy Sweeper and getting error 1625 system policy
Answer / Solution: 1. Maybe you have Spy Sweeper Core aplication (from other Spy Sweeper installation), even after uninstalled?
If you go to:
-control panel
-add and remove programs
and can't remove Spy Sweeper Core, because i'ts not there. Please do the following:
Use an Uninstaller (Freeware) program like Absolute Uninstaller from and This One absolutely it will detect.
If this can't solve the problem see next Solutions 2 and 3:
2. Are you logged with Administrator account?
Please do the following:
1. Control Panel
2. Double-click User Accounts. The accounts listed near the bottom will specify whether the account is Limited Access or Computer Administrator.
3. Assign Computer Administrator to the account that you log in with.
3. Restriction Policies:
1. Control Panel
2. Open Administrative Tools. Open Local Security Settings
3. Click Software Restriction Policies
4. If no software restrictions are defined, right click the Software Restriction Policies node and select New Software Restriction Policy
5. Double click Enforcement
6. Select "All users except local administrators"
7. Click OK
8. Reboot the machine
1 comentário:
Precisei instalar um software no windows XP e deu esse erro 1625. Bastou realizar o passo 3 de configurar o Restriction Policies que tudo funcionou depois. Obrigado pela dica!
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